Start thinking experiences. Start thinking Lefkada

Lefkada Island

Lefkada town welcomes you as soon as you arrive on the island. The old Town of Lefkada is a true gem to walk around and stroll through its alleys with its pretty colorful houses and enter its churches, a true relic of the Venetian era. Witness to centuries of history, Lefkada has a timeless air rooted in its architecture. Head to the Archaeological Museum  where you will learn about the entire history of the island and to the Folklore Museum of Orfeas or the unique Phonograph museum and you will find out more about its tradition.    

You cannot visit Lefkada without going to see the castle of Agia Mavra, also called Santa Maura. Located a short kilometer from the town, it bears traces of the different periods of occupation of Lefkada, retracing its eventful history. Built in the 14th century, it was intended to collect the inhabitants of the island and defend them against pirates.

Continue to the Monastery of Panagia Faneromeni which  is considered as the saint protector of the island. It hosts an interesting Ecclesiastical Museum with rare Byzantine icons and old manuscripts. It is said that Saint Paul went there.  Positioned on a hill, on the road between Lefkada and Agios Nikitas, it offers a gorgeous view to the city of Lefkada and its garden is home to several species of animals.

A favorite place to walk by the sea, full of pine trees and magnificent sea views is on the edge of the beach of Agios Ioannis. There you will be charmed by the picturesque little church of Agios Ioannis of "Antzousis", the oldest christian monument in the island.

If you find yourself in Lefkada during August, you will have the great chance to watch the International Folklore Festival, the oldest cultural event in Greece, in traditional dance and music. Through the years, it has gained an international recognition. The Festival starts with a huge parade of peace and friendship, the evening opening celebration with the few minutes presentation of the groups, their formal presentation, during week and the magnificent ending ceremony.

Listen to the Philharmonic Orchestra, the second oldest greek philharmonic orchestra, founded in Lefkada in 1850. It was one of the bands during the ceremonies of first Olympic Games in Athens in 1896. The philharmonic orchestra takes part in several events in Greece and abroad. Every summer it sets up a music festival in the island. Also at band’s foundation date, on 12th of December, a music festival takes place. It’s a big event which lasts for three days. Finally in Easter time, the band’s marching music in the main street of Lefkada town is a real ecstatic experience.

What else is there to do? 
It is worth to drive around the island and explore its magnificent beaches and  its impressive sights. Don’t miss the chance to discover the green interior with picturesque villages, especially around Karia, right in the heart of the island. Karia is the biggest of the villages and one of the most lively. Surrounded by greenery, it’s a cluster of impressive houses and atmospheric streets and cafes. Once you are there, head to The Folkrore Museum of Lefkadian Embroidery and  be amazed by this unique art. Among the natural beauties of the island are the Melissa Canyon and    the Dimosari Waterfalls. The green-filled canyon is close to Kavalos village. Take an invigorating  walk in the canyon that is filled with all sorts of trees, animals  and birds  and see village ruins, old watermills and stone bridges.  The well-known Dimosari waterfalls  are close to the village Platistoma, next to  Nydri. Take the magic trail on foot to the waters under the  pine trees and walk up to the great waterfall with white rocks. South of Porto Katsiki, the peninsula west of Vasiliki ends at Cape Lefkatas, which gave its name to the island of Lefkada.The cape has white cliffs that rise to 70 meters.According to tradition, the poet Sappho threw herself from Cape Lefkatas when Phaon rejected her.Admire the views of Ithaca and Kefalonia and discover the Doukato Lighthouse, installed here since 1890.
Beaches and Activities
Lefkada beaches are famous around the world for their exotic  turquoise water. Porto Katsiki, Egremni, Kathisma and Mylos will amaze you with their white cliff landscape while Agios Ioannis and Vasiliki are ideal for watersports like windsurfing and kite surfing. You can also have a paragliding flight and admire Lefkada from the air! Or you can explore underwater caves and old wrecks in diving sites around Lefkada by scuba diving. There is also the choice to go for a horseback riding. What you should not miss is a  sailing cruise around the island beaches or a longer cruise to the neighboring islands (Scorpios, Meganisi, Kastos, Kalamos). The island has a new modern marina to Lefkada town with a mooring capacity for over 620 boats. But the island is not only for water activities. The countryside of Lefkada is mountainous and offers great chances for hiking and mountain biking with old hiking trails been signposted. 
Make a memory of sharing  food with friends or family enjoying the tasty ingredients that Lefkada  land and sea provide sitting in a restaurant by the sea or in a tavern on a mountain village. Take back with you some unique local products such as the famous lentils of Eglouvi, salami, pasteli, mandolato, pasteli, soumada and vertzamo wine and make the memory last longer.  

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